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    German Shepherds    &


 "Prenez cette peine pour moi: Assurez vous que mon Berger reste un chien de travail, car j'ai lutté toute ma vie dans ce but."

Stephanitz (1864-1936), fondateur de la race, et son chien Horand von Grafath: le premier Berger Allemand !!

Although I grew up in a big city, pets have always played a central role in my life and I have always found a way to surround myself with them. The best animal for me was the dog, I always had a stronger feeling for them because it was truly possible for me to communicate with them. It was very early that I understood that they cannot learn our language and that it is up to us to learn theirs.
In my relationship with dogs I discovered that we humans share many natural instincts and drives with them. This fascinated me and reinforced my curiosity about the canine world. After training several breeds of dogs I recognized having special feelings for the German Shepherd because of their intelligence, versatility and courage.
In 1988, at the age of 19, I was introduced to the "Schutzhund" breeding test (IPO, RCI) and from then on my love of the good working dog became limitless. I have dedicated my life to breeding the perfect dog: a never-ending task.
After 15 years of training and breeding in Europe, I made the decision to return to the USA. My goal has never changed: to preserve the legend of the Working German Shepherd through rigorous selection and quality breeding.
The Working German Shepherd is an exceptional dog for work as well as for the family and I attach particular importance to breeding dogs with a balanced temperament adapted to all living environments.
I hope you will enjoy my site, I wish you a good discovery of my breeding,

Afshin Chuppan Alaghehband


élevage von Kaisersbari- SIREN : 838089951

+33 (0)609756051

Les textes et les images sont la propriété exclusive de ce site - Reproduction interdite